Rafael’s Iron Dome system


Rafael’s Iron Dome system is one of the best short and long range air defense systems in the world

It is deployed by many armies across the world and even by the Israeli armed forces. To date, this system has made over 2000 interceptions and the number continues to go up by the day. But why is the Iron Dome massively deployed and highly rated by weapon analysts, governments and armed forces? Simply because it has a 90% success rate which only very few other systems can rival.

It is deployed to protect bases, cities and maneuvering forces on the field. Anywhere there are aerial threats, you can trust the Iron Dome system to nullify them.

Protecting large urban areas using conventional missile defense systems does not always work and where there is a system failure, the effect of such attacks can be catastrophic. Today, guided cruise missiles, UAVS and Precise guided missiles have advanced technology that most defense weapons cannot counter. This becomes even more difficult for such weapons if the missiles are being fired in quick salvos or the coverage area is very wide. These reduce the efficacy of many missile defense systems.

This is where Iron Dome reigns supreme. With over 2000 interceptions, this system counters helicopters, shell fire, aircraft bomber attacks and short range missiles. This is why it is regarded by many as a versatile defense system.

It has a quick reaction time, can function even in terrible weather and has a relatively high salvo interception capability. There are different variations to the Iron Dome though. There are mobile versions for protecting mobile units like single trucks and even mechanized units. It can also be used to protect naval ships and installations too.

The system can work as a stand-alone, or as a multi-layer air defense system. It can be integrated into other V-SHORAD systems like the U.S Army’s MML (Multi-Mission Launcher).

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